Why would you?! Just kidding.
We understand that you may not want to use the tool for many reasons (or you may not have the ability to do so). That’s why we are here to help you resolve your concerns!
💡 JUST FYI: You do not need to cancel the trial period before it ends. The trial will automatically expire after 3 days and will not automatically start a paid subscription in the tool.
The only exception is if you manually start a paid plan during your trial period. This can happen if you access premium features like viewing banned hashtags in posts or using the Shadowban check. Starting a paid subscription during the trial is like starting a regular (paid) subscription in the tool (read more).
If you have already started your plan, you can cancel it to prevent it from renewing in the future.
- Go to your Account Settings.
- Select the Subscription tab.
- Click the Cancel subscription button.

IMPORTANT: The free trial period is available only to users who have never had a paid plan in our tool.
Read next: Can I Change To A Different Display Purposes Plan During The 3-Day Free Trial?
Read next: How Can I Cancel My Free Trial?
Read next: My Trial Is About To End, What Are My Options For Next Steps?